1978 - 1984
Počátky skupiny sahají až do roku 1978, kdy dva kytaristi Kai Hansen a Piet Sielck hráli ve skupině Gentry, ale po mnohých změnách v sestavě ji přejmenovali nejprve na Second Hell a poté na Ironfist. Po těchto změnách doplnili kapelu...
Chico Fernandez, sleepin' on his gun
Dreams of Santa Anna
Fighting in the sun
Drums so loud from both sides
Makes it hard to dream
A bluish fall on an orange fast
Makes that hard to seems reason
Mornin', calm mornin'
Ah, Chico's gonna have his share
Mornin', sad mornin'
Sad it must be Aahahahahahahahahahaha...
Mornin', sad mornin'
Seniorita panned in:
Chico, come-on-home!
Santa Anna's losing
You'll be the first to go
Sam Whosman's laughin'
Davy Crocket too
Whenn Anna takes the Alamo
The first to go is you
Mornin', calm mornin'
Ah, Chico's gonna have his share
Mornin', sad mornin'
Heaven will be there
Mornin', sad mornin'