1978 - 1984
Počátky skupiny sahají až do roku 1978, kdy dva kytaristi Kai Hansen a Piet Sielck hráli ve skupině Gentry, ale po mnohých změnách v sestavě ji přejmenovali nejprve na Second Hell a poté na Ironfist. Po těchto změnách doplnili kapelu...
I saw it walkin' lonely down the street
Cool like the cat, like a crazy dream
I looked twice again, I can't believe
It turned around right then
And looked at me
I said oh no, it really couldn't be
It was a man, it was a woman, too
He's a woman, she's a man
He's a woman, she's a (woman)
I think it really came from far away
I'm feeling head uptight
So I have to stay
It takes my hand and says
"Come on, let's go!"
We're going home,
She asked me to stay
He starts to move, she starts to play
I need a body, why not you
He's a woman, she's a man
He's a woman, she's a (woman)