1978 - 1984
Počátky skupiny sahají až do roku 1978, kdy dva kytaristi Kai Hansen a Piet Sielck hráli ve skupině Gentry, ale po mnohých změnách v sestavě ji přejmenovali nejprve na Second Hell a poté na Ironfist. Po těchto změnách doplnili kapelu...
We are stranded in Belize
Ten hours we must wait
They started with a flight show
So the airport opens late
Nobody really told us
Nobody seems to know
Now we're sitting here all drinking
We hope to catch the show
Finally they made the call
We toddle to the boarding
In the plane we're drunk and loud
When the captain gives a shout
We are high
We are far
But we wonder where we are
We are lost
Lost in America
There's a cloud
There's a star
We should plunder the sky bar
We are lost
Lost in America
Now the captain says the gauges
Don't realy seemed to be
In the best trustworthy status
As far as he cloud see
Some ridiculous disturbance
Or a simple full break down
Makes it hopeless to impossible
To measure where we're bound for
Finally they made the call
We toddle to the boarding
In the plane we're drunk and loud
When the captain gives a shout
We are high
We are far
But we wonder where we are
We are lost
Lost in America
There's a cloud
There's a star
We should plunder the sky bar
We are lost
Lost in America
We are high
We are far
But we wonder where we are
We are lost
Lost in America
There's a cloud
There's a star
We should plunder the sky bar
We are lost
Lost in America