Originální australská dvojice, stylově těžko zařaditelná. Původně ve čtyřech (s Paulem Eriksonem a Simonem Monroem) fungovali od r. 1981 v australském Melbourne. V roce 1982 odjíždějí do Londýna, ale Erikson a Monroe se vracejí. Kazeta Fatal...

Píseň: Anywhere Out Of The World

Dead Can Dance
A Passage In Time
We scale the face of reason
to find at least one sign
That could reveal the true dimensions
of life lest we forget
And maybe it's easier to withdraw from life
with all of it's misery and wretched lies
away from harm

We lay by cool still waters
and gazed into the sun
And like the moths great imperfection
succumbed to her fatal charms
And maybe it's me who dreams unrequited love
the victim of fools who watch and stand in line
away from harm

In our vain pursuit
of life for one's own end
Will this crooked path
ever cease to end
Profilový obrázek - A Passage In Time
A Passage In Time (1991)

1. Saltarello

2. Song of Sophia

3. Ulysses

4. Cantara

5. The Garden of Zephira

6. Enigma Of The Absolute

7. Wilderness

8. The Host of Seraphim

9. Anywhere Out Of The World

10. The Writing on my Fathers Hand

11. Severance

12. The Son of the Sybil

13. Fortune Presents Gifts Not According To The Book

14. In The Kingdom Of The Blind The One-Eyed Are Kings

15. Bird

16. Spirit

17. Ullyses

18. The Song Of The Sibyl