Originální australská dvojice, stylově těžko zařaditelná. Původně ve čtyřech (s Paulem Eriksonem a Simonem Monroem) fungovali od r. 1981 v australském Melbourne. V roce 1982 odjíždějí do Londýna, ale Erikson a Monroe se vracejí. Kazeta Fatal...

Píseň: In The Kingdom Of The Blind The One-Eyed Are Kings

Dead Can Dance
A Passage In Time
If it were within, within our power
beyond the reach of slavish pride
To no longer harbour grievances
behind the mask's opportunist's facade

We could welcome the responsibilty
like a long lost friend
and re-establish laughter
in the dolls house once again

For time has imprisoned us
in the order of our years
in the discipline of our ways
and in the passing of momentary stillness
We can see our chaos in motion
Our chaos in motion
We can see our chaos in motion
You are chaos in motion
Profilový obrázek - A Passage In Time
A Passage In Time (1991)

1. Saltarello

2. Song of Sophia

3. Ulysses

4. Cantara

5. The Garden of Zephira

6. Enigma Of The Absolute

7. Wilderness

8. The Host of Seraphim

9. Anywhere Out Of The World

10. The Writing on my Fathers Hand

11. Severance

12. The Son of the Sybil

13. Fortune Presents Gifts Not According To The Book

14. In The Kingdom Of The Blind The One-Eyed Are Kings

15. Bird

16. Spirit

17. Ullyses

18. The Song Of The Sibyl