Sonic Youth je alternativní rocková hudební skupina založená v roce 1981 v New Yorku. Skupinu zformoval kytarista a zpěvák Thurston Moore, basistka a zpěvačka Kim Gordon a doprovodný kytarista Lee Ranaldo. Všichni jsou dodnes členy kapely, pozici...
Píseň: Wildflower Soul
- Interpret:
- Sonic Youth
- Album:
- A Thousand Leaves
sing yr children yr children song sing yr love child love is on see thru child eyes eyes are old and old is magic growing see the child lights spinning gold everyday girl they blow away leaves falling to the water wildflowers for you today sing yr birthday yr birthday blues sing yr wild light wildflowers bloom they will not forget you and down/they go to sleep/so slow away/they grow they go i wait/i wait all day sing yr love child love is on sing yr child lights sing yr child lights lights are gold sing yr child life wildflower soul