1978 - 1984
Počátky skupiny sahají až do roku 1978, kdy dva kytaristi Kai Hansen a Piet Sielck hráli ve skupině Gentry, ale po mnohých změnách v sestavě ji přejmenovali nejprve na Second Hell a poté na Ironfist. Po těchto změnách doplnili kapelu...
Climb down my pile
And again to the beat of my heart
You're so exciting
Take all the soul
I will give you as much as you want
Control my feelings
Higher, much higher
Unbounded fire
Closer, come closer
Close to the core
We burn, we burn
I contaminate you
I like to pollute you with my
Look in my eyes
And we melt into on yearning mind
We climb the stages
Higher, much higher
Unbounded fire
Closer, come closer
Close to the core
We burn, we burn
Insanity, insanity
Never set me free