Americká rocková skupina vycházející z jižanského R&B; a boogie (přirovnávána m.j. k Lynyrd Skynyrd a Led Zeppelin). D. Hill (nar. 1949) hrával v Dallasu ve sk. Deadbents a později (v r. 1967) zakládají se svým bratrem sk. Warlocks (několik...

Píseň: Tramp

ZZ Top
You can call me that.
I don't wear continental clothes;
Stetson hats, sometimes

But I'm a lover, hah
Mama was - Papa too.
And I'm their only child.
Lovin' is all I know how to do

Call me country
Right from the woods
I'll answer when you call me
'cause baby I mean if
That makes you feel good

But I'm a lover
Mama were - Papa too.
And I'm their only child.
Lovin' is all I know how to do

Ha, Now, whatever you call me
Ha ha, I'll even go for that
'cause i keep a big fat bankroll in my pocket baby
And I'm personal friends with the dealer who owns the dealership of all the
Cadillacs, ha ha

But I'm a lover
Mama were - Papa too.
And I'm their onliest child.
Lovin's all I know how to do