Sentenced byla kapela z finského města Oulu. Založena byla v roce 1989. Zpočátku se věnovala především death metalu, který byl okořeněn pochmurnou doom metalovou atmosférou, postupem času však přešla až k melodickému rock metalu. Byli to právě...
..hear the sounds of Thunder
feel it come in all its pride.
- and it's all yours!
this tension, this pressure...
sweat and feel the air too thick to breathe!
feel hatred, fear hatred...
wait the chaos that shall breed
- the spawn of WAR!
- the spawn of MAN!
- inside of us all - oh yes! you too...
live in this hell - die in this hell.
Hey! the Beast of War is on the hunt!
the Dove of Peace falls torn apart!
- disillusion!
well, Hey now! What did you expect to see?
the "victory of humanity"?
"I remember all the hopes (I remember all lies)
I am "die Erd", I've seen it come and go and stay eternally! WAR!"
live in this hell - so what the hell,
- so let it be,
- die in this hell.
Hey! the Beast of War is on the hunt!
the Dove of Peace falls torn apart!
- disillusion!
well, Hey now! What did you expect to see?
the "victory of humanity"?
no! Never! Ever! no!
so let it be.