Švédská black - doom metalová skupina založená v r. 1985 L. Edlingem po jeho odchodu ze sk. Nemesis.
Po prvním albu a turné zůstávají jen dva původní členové - Edling a Björkman. Ty doplňují Lindh, Johansson a Marcolin.
V roce 1991...
Píseň: The Prophecy
- Interpret:
- Album:
- Tales Of Creation
"Holy was the star from which you were born, to a world where darkness and fear take form A lonely soul with a heart of light to find beyond reality, forgotten in time Seek the heart, seek in your dreams visit your nightmares and realms yet unseen You are alone, the last one to be a representative of mankind to decide the final destiny Will you be saved or will you stay blind deep in your soul the answer you'll find" The words were spoken, I cried in my hands the bringer of wisdom, or the one who condemns Can I succeed where the mighty have failed and re-create the harmony from where salvation hails
![Profilový obrázek - Tales Of Creation](https://imagebox.cz.osobnosti.cz/album/candlemass/tales-of-creation-predni.jpg?2511)