Genesis je britská art rocková skupina založená v roce 1967. S více než 150 mil. prodanými deskami se řadí mezi 30 nejprodávanějších skupin všech dob. V roce 1988 obdrželi Grammy za hudební video k písni „Land of Confusion“. Skupina vznikla v...

Píseň: The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging

Genesis Archive 1967-1975
Profilový obrázek - Genesis Archive 1967-1975
Genesis Archive 1967-1975 (1998)

1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway

2. Fly On A Windshield

3. Broadway Melody Of 1974

4. Cuckoo Cocoon

5. In The Cage

6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging

7. Back In N.Y.C.

8. Hairless Heart

9. Counting Out Time

10. The Carpet Crawlers

11. The Chamber Of 32 Doors

12. Lilywhite Lilith

13. The Waiting Room

14. Anyway

15. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist

16. The Lamia

17. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats

18. The Colony Of Slippermen

19. Ravine

20. The Light Dies Down On Broadway

21. Riding The Scree

22. In The Rapids

23. It

24. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight

25. Firth Of Fifth

26. More Fool Me

27. Supper's Ready

28. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)

29. Stagnation

30. Twilight Alehouse

31. Happy The Man

32. Watcher Of The Skies

33. In The Wilderness

34. The Shepherd

35. Pacidy

36. Let Us Now Make Love

37. Going Out To Get You

38. Dusk

39. Build Me A Mountain

40. Image Blown Out

41. One Day

42. Where The Sour Turns To Sweet

43. In The Beginning

44. The Magic Of Time

45. Hey!

46. Hidden In The World Of Dawn

47. Sea Bee

48. The Mystery Of The Flannan Isle Lighthouse

49. Hair On The Arms And Legs

50. She's So Beautiful

51. Try A Little Sadness

52. Patricia