Ye the almighty, unto whom all hearts are open
All desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
By the inspiration of thy flames
We worthily magnify thy thousand names all unified in thou
Abyssic lord, we call, plead and crave!
Send your legions
Come forth, angels of sin
One of the seven will come
And with the golden censer step up to the altar
Carrying incense and embers to be burnt before the throne
To bring our words to him
And from the hands of the winged sovereignty
Overcome with humbleeness facing such grandeur
I am blazing with awe and shine with the fires of him
I kneel down, brace posture and offer my gifts
I lay outstretched in five pointed symmetry
I purge the ground and close the gate
Call back your legions
Descend, angels of sin
Grant me command
Let me burn with strength
Sharpen my sense and my will
Leytmotif Luzifer (The 7 Temptations of Man) (2014)