Slavné anglické pop-soulové vokální trio. Barry Gibb (nar. 1947) a jeho dva sourozenci – dvojčata – Robin a Maurice (nar. 1949) prožili dětství v Austrálii. Tam začínají už v r. 1958 jako velice úspěšné dětské pop hvězdičky (1. singl v r. 1962)....

Píseň: Take Hold of That Star

Bee Gees
The Bee Gees Sing and Play 14 Barry Gibb Songs
Take hold of that star , I give to you
And tell me that you love me
Just as I love you la la la la
Take hold of that star , and put it in your locket
And tell me that you love me
Just as I love you la la la la

I'd give you the moon, or the sun
or the starlights with a love so true
And if it rains, I'll give you a rainbow too

Take hold of that star and put it in your locket
And tell me that you love me
Just as I love you la la la la

I'd give you the moon , or the sun
or the starlights with a love so true
And if it rains , I'll give you a rainbow too

Take hold of that star and put it in your locket
And tell me that you love me
Just as I love you la lala lala lala
la lala lala lala
la lala as I love you