Slavná londýnská rocková skupina. Brian May (nar. 1947) začínal ve skupině The Others (vyšel 1 singl) a v r. 1967 zakládá polečně s Rogerem Taylorem a Timem Staffellem skupinu Smile. V r. 1970 se ke dvojici May - Taylor (nar. 1949) přidává...

Píseň: Seven Seas Of Rhye (Live)

Live at Wembley
Fear me you lord and lady preachers 
I descend upon your earth from the skies 
I command your very souls you unbelievers 
Bring before me what is mine 
The seven seas of Rhye 

Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors 
I stand before you naked to the eyes 
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust 
I swear that you'll be mine 
At the seven seas of Rhye 

Sister I live and lie for you 
Mister do and I'll die 
You are mine I possess you 
Belong to you forever 
ever, ever, ever...