V roce 1990 bylo v New Yorku asi deset punx ale punkovou scénu ovládaly hipísáci. The Casualties vznikli aby vzaly punk hipíkům a vrátily punx. Byli nekompromysní a možná i díky tomu se zadařilo. Z té malé skupinky punkáčů vzrostla obrovská (...

Píseň: Political sin

Casualties, The
Underground army
Helicopters dropped us in the bush
run for cover adrenaline rush
Mortars crash tearing up the ground
bodies lay lifeless on the ground

Fighting a war we can't win
government commits the ultimate sin

Boys running screaming in fear
wounded screaming dragged to the rear
here comes the enemy with the big guns
we're the wounded the lucky ones


Political sin send you off to die
can't ask the government any questions why
I don't support a government
that's full of hate and human torment
