Tato Americká Nu-metalová 5 členná kapela ADEMA vznikla v roce 2000 a pochazí s Californie městečka Bakersfieldu.Za svou existenci už skupina vydala své 3 studiová alba a to "Adema(2001)","Unstable(2003)" a "Planets(2005)".. Tato skupina...

Píseň: Nutshel

Insomniacs Dream (EP)
We've chased the misprinted lies
We've faced the path of time
And yet I fight
And yet I fight 
This battle all alone

No one to catch you
No place to call home

My gift to self is raped
My privacy is raked
And yet I find
And yet I find
Repeating in my head
If I can't be my own 
i'd feel better dead
Profilový obrázek - Insomniacs Dream (EP)
Insomniacs Dream (EP) (2002)