Hard rocková(heavy/nu metalová) skupina Disturbed vznikala jako mnoho jiných,tedy ambicemi dobýt prkna, co znamenají svět party kámošů, v té době ve složení: Dan Donegan, Mike Wengren a (dnes již můžeme říct bývalý člen) Fuzz.
Kolem roku 1997...
Been watching for a long time
Seeing the world join forces
To the edge of calamity
How many of the wars have started
Over mankind's area we call religion?
Too many of our children have died
In the never ending fight for territory
Are we born to violence?
Can we stop in time?
They say you will want to remain on your side
You'll be starting a war now if you cross that line
Turn around or face my reprisal
For I have determined that this is mine
Been hurting for a long time feeling
My heart torn open from the lack of humanity
Insanity on both sides reaping the path
That guarantees our own extinction
Hate added to the stockpile filling the world
With enemies, a constant battle
In the face of violence, they omit their pride
They say you will want to remain on your side
You'll be starting a war now if you cross that line
Turn around or face my reprisal
For I have determined that this is mine
You will want to remain on your side
You'll be starting a war now if you cross that line
Turn around and face my reprisal
For I have determined that this is mine
We will not be broken this time
We will force the whole world to testify
Stand your ground or face our reprisal
For we have determined that this is..