Donedávna u nás Jaze Colemana znali především fanoušci kultovní kapely Killing Joke. Hudby znalá veřejnost zaznamenala také jeho symfonické opusy pro velikány rockové scény Rolling Stones, nebo Pink Floyd. Všeobecně známého hudebníka v naší zemi...

Píseň: Love of the Masses

Killing Joke
BBC In Concert
Around, around, young men and women move
Through sun and steel our lives transforming
To forge a link flow backwards to our source
And forfeit self amongst the masses

Why do we love them?
Love of the masses

They fight and play in timeless rivalry
The people clamour for a loser
WIth joy and sorrow mixed we realize
That epace shall come by sacrifice

Why do we love them?
Love of the masses

As proud as heroes walking hand in hand
The common destiny we're sharing
And all affected without prejudice
Shall forfeit self amongst the masses

Why do we love them?
Love of the masses