Trash metalová skupina Kreator vznikla v německém Essenu již v roce 1982 pod názvem Tyrant. Brzy se však přejmenovala na Tormentor. Ta vydala dvě dema a to Blitzkrieg a End of the World. V roce 1985 kapela (tehdy už Kreator) podepsala smlouvu s...
Existance of brutality
Agravation infinite greed
All there's left is hate
All there's left is pain
Mass frustation
Is the cost
Global depression
Life stands still, all love is lost
No experience too extreme
Orgasmic pleasure, abstract dreams
Mercyless perversity
All there's left is hate
All there's left is pain
Mass frustation
Is the cost
Global depression
Life stands still, all love is lost
Hate cannot die, forever alive
Mass frustation
Is the cost
Global depression
Life stands still, all love is lost