Pražská indie rocková kapela složená ze zkušených muzikantů v čele s frontmankou Sany. Energické a chytlavé kytarovky okořeněné elektrickými houslemi a samply ocenili fanoušci v klubech i na festivalech, ale i posluchači hudebních stanic.
The more you want.
It seems like, seems like,
seems you are the one.
It seems like seems like
But you don´t know.
Ow, ow, ow.
Hide a dirt on your back,
still not free and still not dead.
Let me dream it´s not my fault,
my true love is getting cold.
Let me hear the secret voice.
I will try with no remorse.
I will leave with open mind.
I don´t care if you are blind.
I will stay in shadow light.
I will pray I could fight.
Let me dream – once far away.
Let me start the brand new day.
I will try as hard I can.
Two to one on me again.
All the time I had all.
I have all but still want more.
And I will lie to your eyes
And you my fool won´t realize.