Západoněmecká rocková kapela založená v r. 1987 (pův. název byl Cacumen) a vedená C. Lessmanem (nar. 1960). Hudebně blízcí Bon Jovi a Scorpions. Po druhém albu přicházejí A. Schleifer a E. Patrick.
V r. 1992 C. Lessman překvapivě skupinu...
No more hunger - no holy wars
It all lies in our hands
No more soldiers - no rich and poor
Paradise and promised land
Some people say I'm just a daydreaming fool
Out of season - out of mind
I'm still dreaming 'bout a world united
I grow the seed of love and hope inside
Everybody's sharing peace and freedom
Let it grow - let it grow
No repressions - no more chains
For the one's who want to be - free
No walls and fences - no more pain
Just imagine what you see
We all just carry on and turn another page
Hoping and praying for a time of change
I'm still dreaming 'bout a world united
I grow the seed of love and hope inside
Everybody's sharing peace and freedom
Let it grow - let it grow
Let it grow
We all just carry on and turn another page
Hoping and praying for a time of change
I'm still dreaming 'bout a world united
I grow the seed of love and hope inside
Everybody's sharing peace and freedom
Let it grow - let it grow
I'm still dreaming 'bout a world united....
I grow the seed of love and hope inside.....
Everybody's sharing peace and freedom.....
Let it grow - let it grow
Let it grow
I'm still dreaming
Let it grow