Slavná londýnská rocková skupina. Brian May (nar. 1947) začínal ve skupině The Others (vyšel 1 singl) a v r. 1967 zakládá polečně s Rogerem Taylorem a Timem Staffellem skupinu Smile. V r. 1970 se ke dvojici May - Taylor (nar. 1949) přidává...

Píseň: Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love)

Greatest Hits III
Don't touch me now 
Don't hold me now 
Don't break the spell darling 
Now you are near 
Look in my eyes and speak to me 
The special promises I long to hear 

Las palabras de amor 
Let me hear the words of love 
Despacito mi amor 
Love me slow and gently 

One foolish world so many souls 
Senselessly hurled through 
The never ending cold 
And all for fear and all for greed 
Speak any tongue 
But for God's sake we need 

Las palabras de amor 
Let me hear the words of love 
Despacito mi amor 
Let me know this night and evermore 

This room is bare 
This night is cold 
We're far apart and I'm growing old 
But while we live 
We'll meet again 
So then my love 
We may whisper once more 
It's you I adore 

Las palabras de amor 
Let me hear the words of love 
Despacito mi amor 
Touch me now 
Las palabras de amor 
Let us share the words of love 
For evermore evermore 
For evermore