Jedenáct let po svém prvním vystoupení v domovském Manchesteru, osm let po slavném albovém debutu Definitely Maybe, pět let po britpopovém šílení médií, stále není pochyb o tom, proč milióny lidí zbožňují Oasis: poctivost. Tito muži a jejich...

Píseň: Just Getting Older

The Hindu Times (single)
t's nine o'clock 
I'm getting tired 
I'm sick of all my records 
And the clothes I bought today 
Am I cracking up 
Or just getting older? 

Staying in 
I can't be bothered 
Making conversation 
With the friends that I don't know 
Am I cracking up 
Or just getting older? 

And I bet that this is how life 
Turns out when you're finally grown 
And you know if this my life 
Sit around all day and I moan 

I'm halfway up to the bottom 
Of another bottle 
Of my next best favourite friend 
Am I cracking up 
Or just getting older? 

You're not cracking up 
You're just getting older 
We're not cracking up 
We're just getting older
Profilový obrázek - The Hindu Times (single)
The Hindu Times (single) (2002)

1. The Hindu Times

2. Just Getting Older

3. Idler's Dream