Guns N' Roses (zkracováno GN'R) je americká hard rocková skupina založená v roce 1985 v Los Angeles. O dva roky později, v roce 1987, kapelu celosvětově proslavilo album Appetite for Destruction, kterého se prodalo přibližně pětadvacet milionů...
Píseň: I Don't Care About You
- Interpret:
- Guns N' Roses
- Album:
- The Spaghetti Incident?
Yeah! I'm fromSouth Philadelphia up on Avenue C I've seenempty hands that was waitin' to freeze Up fromthe power at home CHORUS: I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I've seenHollywood Boulevard Welfarehotel And I spentthe night in jail At theWilcox Hotel I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you I've seenan old man have a heart attack in Manhattan Well hedied while we just stood there lookin' at him Ain't hecute? I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you I seen madrollin' drunks I seenbodies in the streets I saw aman who was sleepin' in his own puke And a manwith no legs crawlin' down Fifth Streettryin' just to get somethin' to eat I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you Fuck you! I don'tcare about you Fuck you! (spoken) Uh, thathurt man Alright Perfect Look At YourGame, Girl There'sa time for living Time keepson flying Think you'reloving baby But allyour doing is crying CHORUS: Can youfeel Are thosefeelings real Look atyour game, girl Look atyour game, girl What a maddelusion Livingin that confusion Frustrationand doubt Can youever live without the game The sad,sad game Mad game Just tosay loves' not enough If it can'tbe true Oh, youcan tell those lies baby but you're only fooling you CHORUS Can youfeel I knowthose feelings ain't real Then youbetter stop trying Or you'regonna play crying Stop trying Or you'regonna play crying Stop trying That's thegame Sad sadgame Mad game Sad game (spoken) Thanks,Chas Jack