SKupina Discharge vznikla v roce 1977 ve Velké Británii. Prošla si několika styly od punk-rocku, přes D-beat až po heavy metal. Její texty jsou plné anarchismu a pacifismu.

Píseň: Hell Is War

Society's Victims
Profilový obrázek - Society's Victims
Society's Victims (2004)

1. Realities Of War

2. They Declare It

3. But After The Gig

4. Society's Victim

5. Fight Back

6. War's Not Fairytale

7. Always Restrictions

8. You Take Part In Creating The System

9. Religion Instigates

10. Decontrol

11. It's No TV Sketch

12. Tomorrow Belongs To Us

13. Visions Of War

14. Does This System Work?

15. A Look At Tomorrow

16. Why?

17. Maimed & Slaughtered

18. Mania For Conquest

19. Ain't No Feeble Bastard

20. Is This To Be?

21. Massacre Of Innocence (Air Attack)

22. Never Again

23. Death Dealers

24. Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles

25. State Violence State Control

26. Dooms Day

27. Warning

28. Where There Is A Will There Is A Way

29. In Defense Of Our Future

30. The Price Of Silence

31. The More I See

32. Ignorance

33. Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

34. The Nightmare Continues

35. The Final Blood Bath

36. Protest And Survive

37. I Won't Subscribe

38. Drunk With Power

39. Meanwhile

40. A Hell Of Earth

41. Cries Of Help

42. The Possibility Of Life's Destruction

43. The Blood Runs Red

44. Free Speech For The Dumb

45. Grave New World

46. City Of Fear

47. Lost Tribe Rising

48. Shootin' Up The World

49. Leaders Deceivers

50. You Deserve Me

51. Almost Alive

52. Corpse Of Decadence

53. Trust 'Em

54. M.A.D.

55. Hyper Overload

56. You

57. What Do I Get?

58. Hell Is War

59. Hell Is War (2004 version)

60. The More I See (2004 version)

61. State Violence State Control (2004 version)

62. Never Again (2004 version)

63. You Take Part In Creating The System (2004 version)

64. The Nightmare Continues (Live 2004)

65. A Hell Of Earth (Live 2004)

66. Realities Of War (Live 2004)

67. The Possibility Of Life's Destruction (Live 1983)

68. The Final Blood Bath (Live 1983)

69. Dooms Day (Live 1983)

70. Drunk With Power (Live 1983)

71. Why? (Live 1983)

72. Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles (Live 1983)

73. Decontrol (Live 1983)

74. Warning (Live in New Jersey)

75. Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing (Live in New Jersey)

76. Protest And Survive (Live in New Jersey)

77. In Defense Of Our Future (Live in New Jersey)

78. State Violence State Control (Live in New Jersey)

79. The Price Of Silence (Live in New Jersey)

80. The Blood Runs Red (Live in New Jersey)