Slavná londýnská rocková skupina. Brian May (nar. 1947) začínal ve skupině The Others (vyšel 1 singl) a v r. 1967 zakládá polečně s Rogerem Taylorem a Timem Staffellem skupinu Smile. V r. 1970 se ke dvojici May - Taylor (nar. 1949) přidává...

Píseň: Fight From The Inside

News Of The World
Hey you boy hey you hey you boy 
Think that you know what you're doing? 
You think you're gonna set things to rights 
You're just another picture on a teenage wall 
You're just another sucker ready for a fall 
You gonna fight from the inside 
Attack from the rear 
Fight from the inside 
You can't win with your hands tied 
Fight from the inside 
Fight from the inside 
Right down the line 

Hey you boy hey you hey you boy 
You're just another fool 
You gotta fight from the inside 
Attack from the rear 
Fight from the inside 
You can't win with your hands tied 
Fight from the inside 
Fight from the inside 
Right down the line