Death Cab for Cutie je americká indie rocková kapela založená v roce 1997. Pojmenovali se podle stejnojmenné skladby písničkáře Viviana Stanshalla, která se objevila na desce Gorilla od skupiny Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. Během svého více než...

Píseň: Different Names For The Same Thing

Death Cab For Cutie
Alone on a train aimless in wonder
 An outdated map crumbled in my pocket
 But I didn't care where I was going
 'Cause they're all different names for the same place.

 The coast disappeared when the sea drowned the sun
 And I knew no words to share with anyone
 The boundaries of language I quietly cursed
 And all the different names for the same thing

 There are different names for the same things
 There are different names for the same things...