V roce 1990 bylo v New Yorku asi deset punx ale punkovou scénu ovládaly hipísáci. The Casualties vznikli aby vzaly punk hipíkům a vrátily punx. Byli nekompromysní a možná i díky tomu se zadařilo. Z té malé skupinky punkáčů vzrostla obrovská (...

Píseň: Destruction & hate

Casualties, The
For the punx
Destruction and hate in the world today
I wanna see blood on your face
People tell you this and people tell you that
Can't you see that they're all full of crap?

When you go to school
Or when you go to work
There's always somebody
To tell you what to do
When you are at home
Your parents pick on you
Don't you think it's time to leave
And make it on your own
Think for yourself!

Destruction and hate in the world today
I fucking love this hate
When you see the news there is always hate
Why should I care when no one gives a damn?

When I go to school and when I go to work
Always see somebody getting mugged
Out on the streets all alone
I feel full of anger of my own

Destruction and Hate in this world today
I love this anger in my head
When I go to school
When I go to work
Always getting beaten
Because I'm a punk

Punk, Punk, Punk, Punk
Say it one more time you scums
Fuck you cunt!!!
Fucking Hate!