V roce 1996 dva bývalí členové Uzi Suicide, Morten Veland a Einar Moen spolu s Kennethem Olssonem založili kapelu Tristania. Krátce před natočením dema v roce 1997 se skupina rozrostla o další členy: Vibeke Stene, Anderse Hidle a Rune Osterhuse....

Píseň: December Elegy

Widow's Weeds
May thou carry me to the sea 
Like autumn leaves... heaven wither 
Savage is the winter prevailing within 
I fall for thee... Sorrow entreating me 
Makes me leave heaven 

I find thy lilies there of snow 
where once I died... weeping for thee 
Everlasting seems the strife ascending within 
Falling for thee... 
Darkness confounding me 
Makes me leave life 

Breed my woe 
Descend with broken wings 
Midwinternight inside 
Merged by life... like thousand 
frozen tears 
Come melt the ice... maytime…
Profilový obrázek - Widow's Weeds
Widow's Weeds (1998)

1. Preludium...

2. Evenfall

3. Pale Enchantress

4. December Elegy

5. Midwintertears

6. Angellore

7. My Lost Lenore

8. Wasteland's Caress

9. ...postludium