Jedenáct let po svém prvním vystoupení v domovském Manchesteru, osm let po slavném albovém debutu Definitely Maybe, pět let po britpopovém šílení médií, stále není pochyb o tom, proč milióny lidí zbožňují Oasis: poctivost. Tito muži a jejich...
There we were now here we are
All this confusion nothing's the same to me
There we were now here we are
All this confusion nothing's the same to me
I can't tell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so ! new to me
I can't tell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so ! new to me
What I heard is not what I hear
I can see the signs but they're not very clear
What I heard is not what I hear
I can see the signs but they're not very clear
So I can't tell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so ! new to me
I can't tell you the way I feel
Because the way I feel is oh so ! new to me
This is confusion, am I confusing you ?
This is confusion, am I confusing you ?
This is peculiar we don't want to fool ya
This is peculiar we don´t want to fool ya
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah