Západoněmecká rocková kapela založená v r. 1987 (pův. název byl Cacumen) a vedená C. Lessmanem (nar. 1960). Hudebně blízcí Bon Jovi a Scorpions. Po druhém albu přicházejí A. Schleifer a E. Patrick.
V r. 1992 C. Lessman překvapivě skupinu...
I knew you so well or that's what I thought
believed it would last forever
somehow I know for sure
we're going our seperate ways
Yesterday's gone - I'm out on the run
I'm tryin' to hide my feelings
There's no way to stick it out
our love is on the line
Gonna take love or leave love today
but I know that I can't make you stay
Cold days - hard times
in my heart the rain is pourin'
Cold days - long nights
lost without you
The damage is done - we can't carry on
'cause something has stolen our passion
I'm wounded in my heart
but you don't sense my pain
I can't break the ice - you loaded the dice
I always end up loosin'
all the good times we shared
are now history
Drown in dreams and in heartaches again
Lovin' you is the name of my pain