Jedna z nejvýraznějších metalových skupin světa, klasikové tohoto stylu (zpočátku řazeni k odrůdě thrash nebo speed). Sami přiznávají prvotní vliv Black Sabbath. Navíc výborní instrumentalisté. Skupina vzniká v r. 1981 v americkém Norwalku...

Píseň: Cheat On Me

Lou Reed - LULU
Why do you cheat on me?
Why do I cheat on thee?
Why do I cheat on me?
Why do I cheat on me?

I have a passionate heart
It can tear us apart
I have the loves of many men
But I don´t love any of them

Why do I cheat on me?

You have your feelings
I have mine
I spit upon you and change my mind
I have many hearts to break
And many, many, many more to take

Let the light of stars pour out
Like a candle in a spout
Let the wick recede and break 
Let the starlight radiate
Why do you cheat on me?
Why do I cheat on me?
Why do I cheat on thee?
Why do I desecrate me?
Why do I piss my dreams?
Ah, that´s because that´s what it is

I have the drive
I got the scope
If I, if I, if I, could I give you a rope
Your love means zero to me
I´m a passionateless wave upon the sea
Why, why, why
Do you cheat on me?
Why, why, why
Do I cheat on thee?
Oh Why do I cheat on myself?
Well, I got nobody else

I´m only young once
I want to taste it all and have fun
I have no real feelings in my soul
Where most have passion I got a hole
I really got nobody else

I want lovers like the rain
So many of them, so much the same
You say you love me, I know it´s true
But I, I, I don´t love you
Why do I cheat on me?
Your love means zero to me
A passionateless wave
Your love means zero 
Your love means zero
Your love means zero to me