Jedenáct let po svém prvním vystoupení v domovském Manchesteru, osm let po slavném albovém debutu Definitely Maybe, pět let po britpopovém šílení médií, stále není pochyb o tom, proč milióny lidí zbožňují Oasis: poctivost. Tito muži a jejich...

Píseň: Ain't Got Nothin'

Dig Out Your Soul
They got nothing on me anymore, they got nothing on you
I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth

Out on bail
to unveil,
Here's a song,
sing along

They got nothing for me anymore, I got nothing for you
I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth

Out on bail
to unveil,
Here's a song,
sing along,
watch my style,
pick a place,
wipe the smile
from your face

Out on bail
to unveil,
here's a song,
sing along
watch my style,
pick a place,
wipe the smile
from your face

They got nothing on me anymore, they got nothing on you
I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth