AFI - čtyřčlenná punk - rocková skupina, byla vytvořena v roce 1991 Daveyem Havokem (zpěv), Markem Stopholesem (kytara), Vicem Chalkerem (basa) a Adamem Carsonem (bubny) v Kalifornii. Basista Vic ztratil o skupinu zájem a byl nahrazený Geoffem...

Píseň: A Single Second

Oh my God! 
My God this can't be happening! 
God tell me, 
tell me this isn't real! 
I can't believe all that I have foreseen is finally happening. 
I cannot for a single second stand the way I feel. 
I always knew. 
I always saw it coming. 
Enveloped now, 
encased by my worst fear. 
I've never felt the nausea of longing to feel nothing, 
I never wanted to cease to exist,just disappear. 
Fear memories are all that lie ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so lost. 
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so dead. 
Once felt so warm, 
now I'm fucking freezing. 
I am the once embraced abandoned one. 
I raised my eyes up to the light in hopes of finding healing; 
no relief was mine, 
I was burnt, by the sun. 
Fear memories are all that lie ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so lost. 
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so dead. 
I Feel So 
I Feel So Lost 
I Feel So Lost 
I Feel So Lost 
Fear memories are all that lie ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so lost. 
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so dead. 
Fear memories are all that lie ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so lost. 
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead. (Memories dull my senses.) 
Never have I felt so.