Dimmu Borgir je norská black metalová kapela. Její hudba je velmi populární v severských zemích Evropy a v Německu. V islandštině Dimmu Borgir znamená něco jako Temný Hrad a označuje též lávová pole na Islandu. Kapela Dimmu Borgir byla...

Píseň: A Jewel Traced Trough Coal

Dimmu Borgir
Through moors and mists of deception
The uninitiated are conjoined
Illusive bliss feeds obsession
A feeble orientation is provoked

Inflammatory bonds will be broken
Being the shepherd no more
Yearning for that ever glowing token
In ongoing lore

Images appear before my eyes
At any given time
Burdened bearing all their lies
Leaping laughter and secret smiles

Inflammatory bonds will be broken
Being the shepherd no more
Yearning for that ever glowing token
In ongoing lore

The treasure lies not in regression
But in reaching the levels of becoming
That harboured within us for centuries
Centuries of long lost knowing

Spirit and matter defined
Spirit and matter refined

The upper planes accessed
Insight and co-alliance addressed
Spirit and matter defined
Spirit and matter refined
Profilový obrázek - Abrahadabra
Abrahadabra (2010)

1. Xibir

2. Born Treacherous

3. Gateways

4. Chess with the Abyss

5. Dimmu Borgir

6. Ritualist

7. The Demiurge Molecule

8. A Jewel Traced Through Coal

9. Renewal

10. Endings and Continuations

11. Gateways (Orchestral Version) (Bonus Track)

12. A Jewel Traced Trough Coal

13. Perfect Strangers - Deep Purple Cover