Stěžejní postavou americké čtveřice Foo Fighters se od počátku stal Dave Grohl (nar. 14. 1. 1969, Washington), který svoji hudební dráhu začínal jako mladíček v polovině osmdesátých let ve Washingtonu v kapelách Freak Baby, Mission Impossible a...

Píseň: Weenie Beenie

Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
I'm molasses hung in rent
read a sponsor one shot no post-show
tear it off, but not a lot, it's not enough to debate
as if you blame real and stagnate
big shit no shit
tear it off, but not a lot, only so much you can take
some try that hit
beast and mud lead
big shit no shit
tear it off, but not a lot, only so much you can take
tear it off, but not a lot, it's not enough to debate
big shit no duh
one shot nothing