Donedávna u nás Jaze Colemana znali především fanoušci kultovní kapely Killing Joke. Hudby znalá veřejnost zaznamenala také jeho symfonické opusy pro velikány rockové scény Rolling Stones, nebo Pink Floyd. Všeobecně známého hudebníka v naší zemi...

Píseň: Unspeakable

Killing Joke
Laugh? I Nearly Bought One!
Facts and figures the clocks turn backwards
Facts and figures turn anticlockwise
Many signposts leading to the same place
I wonder who chose the colour scheme it's very nice

Keep running 'cos it's nightmare time
Wvery direction leading to the same place
I wonder who chose the colour scheme it's very nice
I wonder who chose the colour scheme it's very nice
Profilový obrázek - Laugh? I Nearly Bought One!
Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! (1992)

1. Turn To Red

2. Pssyche

3. Requiem

4. Wardance

5. Follow The Leaders

6. Unspeakable

7. Butcher

8. Exit

9. The Hum

10. Empire Song

11. Chop-Chop

12. Sun Goes Down

13. Eighties

14. Love Like Blood

15. Wintergardens (new mix)

16. Age Of Greed