Slavná londýnská rocková skupina. Brian May (nar. 1947) začínal ve skupině The Others (vyšel 1 singl) a v r. 1967 zakládá polečně s Rogerem Taylorem a Timem Staffellem skupinu Smile. V r. 1970 se ke dvojici May - Taylor (nar. 1949) přidává...

Píseň: Flash (Live)

Queen Rock Montreal
Flash - Ah - Saviour of the universe 
Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us

Flash - Ah - He's a miracle

Flash - Ah - King of the impossible 
He's for ev'ry one of us 
Stand for ev'ry one of us 
He'll save with a mighty hand 
Ev'ry man ev'ry woman ev'ry child 
He is mighty

Flash - Ah 

Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us 
Just a man with a man's courage 
You know he is nothing but a man 
But he can never fail 
No one but the pure in heart 
May find the golden grail oh oh oh oh 
