Jednovaječná dvojčata Tegan Rain a Sara Kiersten Quinovy (*1980) pochází z kanadského Calgary. V sedmnácti letech nahrály ve školním hudebním studiu dvě kazety svých prvních písniček a o rok později na sebe upozornily v soutěži calgarských...

Píseň: Clever Meals

Tegan and Sara
Under Feet Like Ours
They aren't desperate for love and affection
They're desperate for you
And as they sit out there all sly and sure
Does anyone feel as they do 
I'm quite sure we'll find one another
In a place better than this 
A time filled with us
And we'll send up our shooting stars and comets
And we'll make our little gestures 
We'll make our little comments 
This song is my anthem and it makes up my ideals
And who I am 
Has benefitted from 
All my cleverly planned meals 
I'm stripped and vital 
And I see rules that almost fit
And if I voice my opinion 
Will you stay and sit 
And as I stand here screaming in despair 
I say yes this is my life 
And yes you should care
This song is my anthem and it makes up my ideals 
And who I am has benefitted from 
All my cleverly planned meals 
Hardly happy at all 
And I'm ready to take the fall
We pay for the stupid things 
We've done where I come from 
Can you sit through this 
Or is it gonna be too deep 
Will you ever use common sense 
I hear it comes pretty cheap 
And if I speak more clearly 
If I make more sense 
Will you shut your mouth 
You won't come across so dense 
Close your eyes and then you free your mind 
You're free to fly